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Life Advice: 10 Quick Tips
- “What am I doing to improve myself?”

- 1) Take time out of your day to help the people you love.
- Like, if I can help my friends today, I will.
- 2) Be honest.
- So at least you don’t have to deal with the fallout
- from being dishonest.
- It’s hard enough to live one life, let alone a double life.
- 3) Try not to care what people think.
- Although I know I will always care too much.
- 4) Try to rest.
- It’s good to let the brain wander.
- Creativity moves around a lot inside the brain.
- You have to let your brain wander in order to find
- out where creativity is today.
- 5) Don’t eat a lot.
- I’m not saying “starve” yourself.
- But let’s face it: you’re not that hungry.
- Eat as little as you can get away with.
- Don’t snack.
- Eat fruits.
- The only reason for this is so you don’t get sick
- or feel sick and your bowel movements aren’t painful.
- 6) Nothing else is that important.
- Let bad things happen and look for
- opportunities in them.
- 7) If someone doesn’t want to like you, then leave them alone
- and find people who do.
- 8) Never do anything you don’t want to do.
- Always try to move in the direction that makes you happy.
- If you want to read a book about fishing, read that book.
- If you don’t want to go to a wedding, then don’t go.
- 9) Creativity = Flow
- And flow is fun.
- Whether it’s playing a game, or writing, or spending
- time with friends, try to get into flow as much as
- possible before you can’t anymore.
- 10) Call one friend a day.
- So that you aren’t lonely.
- I wish I could follow all of this advice but
- I’m getting better at it.
- Every day I’m getting a little better at it.
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