Choose the demographics and behaviors that defines your audience. Set the people you want to reach by specifying their Location, Age, Gender, Language and other behavioral interests they might have. Specify your budget. Advert Prices start from ₦750
You can specify the dates you want your advert to run. Ordinarily, Asheto allows you to start running your Ad after 24hrs. otherwise you can set the time period you want your advert to run. Typically Asheto helps to get regulatory approval for your ad and ensures it is radio ready.
You can also decide the type of programs you want your adverts to be placed in. Its advisable you select programs that your typical customer listens to.


Asheto runs your criteria programmatically and gives you the best recommended stations, programs and times your advert should run. Media stations’ inventory have been pulled into Asheto and different audience segments assigned to programs at different times of the day.

You can select stations, upload your ad or generate Ad (if you don’t have one) and complete your order here.
You can review your order, make changes, send payment and authorize your ads to begin. Asheto notifies you when your ad begins and sets up a tracking dashboard for you. You can also set SMS and email alerts if needed.

Once your advert is running, you can track performance, pause, add other adverts and make basic changes. You will exposed to a bar chart and a table that shows breakdown of stations, playcount and playtime. You can also sign up for insights to see what competitors are doing.


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